My Lord Knows the Way Through the Wilderness - by Linda Bracken

I love children's songs. What's not to love? They are simple and clear and teach many things. Children's songs about the love of the Father in Heaven are especially powerful teaching tools. Instructive songs are important to learn, whether for children or the childlike at heart.

One song resonates in my soul very loudly and since I am a Natural Born Follower, I can testify to the truth of the power in these simple, straightforward words.

My God knows the way through the wilderness
All I have to do is follow
My God knows the way through the wilderness
All I have to do is follow.

Follow, follow, I will follow Jesus
Anywhere, everywhere
I will follow on
Follow, follow, I will follow Jesus
Everywhere He leads me
I will follow Him.

It doesn't get much simpler than that, people. Jesus invites us to follow Him. He knows the way because He is THE WAY. He is never in darkness because HE IS THE LIGHT. He is never uncaring because He loves us with AN EVERLASTING LOVE.

Can you say in your heart and with your mouth, I will follow Jesus? If you do then the wilderness of this world's woes will not bring you fear as you follow our Leader through this world system's fearful and dark maze.

"Anywhere He leads me, I will follow on....!"

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