Take My Life - by Linda Bracken

 "Take My Life and Let It Be Consecrated Lord to Thee..."

The old hymns of faith are such precious nuggets of Truth. One can sing a song like, "Take My Life" and use it as a daily prayer of dedication and submission. It is a powerful thing to surrender to the Lord and allow ourselves to be consecrated or separated for His Kingdom.

We sang a wonderful song in the '70's called "Let Go and Let God Have His Wonderful Way" and as we sang the words out loud with gusto, we meant every single syllable and as we sang God heard our heart cry and took us and used us for His Glory and building up of His Kingdom!

If I can send a word of encouragement to you today it would be this thought...God wants you to submit to Him Body, Soul, and Spirit...if you do this simple thing then you will go to places you never imagined you could go and do things you never imagined you would be doing and having the greatest time of your life, if you choose to "Let Go and Let God...."



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