Soon and Very Soon - by Linda Bracken

Back in the day, Andre Crouch penned the song "Soon and Very Soon (We Are Going To See The King)" and we anticipated the wonderful event with wide eyes.

The reality of the King of Kings coming back to Planet Earth is True as a future event, because He told us He would return, so we look with eagerness toward The Day of His Appearing.

We have assurance that we will see Him one day, whether we go to see Him through the grave or go to see Him through the skies, we can look for the Day with joy.

In recent days notable people have been leaving their earthly habitation and stepping into Eternity. We grieve with their loved ones, because Death is an Enemy. For the ones who have left their bodies without taking the time to make room for the King in their hearts and lives, the day of Death is indeed sad.

Without the Lord, the Existence beyond this life is a forever separation of unspeakable darkness, away from the Father's loving Presence of Light.

In the Lord, the Existence beyond this life is a forever time of unspeakable joy, love, peace, and Light in His Loving Presence.

So, here is the gist of the message for today...soon, in the twinkling of an eye, time will be no more for you and for me. We will see the King and either cower in fear as He rejects us or we fall down in awe as He receives us as one of His Own...soon - maybe today?

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