It's A New Year/Day - by Linda Bracken

Well, another turn of the calendar and we have entered the next number in the millenium. Some people look at this turning of the page as an opportunity to look at their lives in view of what needs to be done to change their bad habits into good habits, etc. Our good friends, Willard and Betty Thiessen began a Christian Television programme in 1976 called "It's A New Day" and the premise focused on the need to take each day as a new day of God's mercy. God's mercy is new every morning and we can handle things much better by taking life "One Day At A Time" as the old song goes.

I am challenged to take each day as a fresh day of grace and mercy. I can't go into the past and change anything that I have done, good or bad. The future of tomorrow is not mine yet. I have heard it said "Yesterday is past, Tomorrow is yet to be, we have Today and that is why it is called The Present!"

What a precious Gift to be given the hope of today being the day of salvation.

Can I share with you this hope and thought...the calendar shows a new year ahead of us and the old year behind us, so my beloved surfer, take this day as the New Day of letting go of our striving and just surrendering to the Father as we sing in the Hymn "Take my life and let it be consecrated Lord to Thee, take my moments and my days let them flow in ceaseless praise, let them flow in ceaseless praise!"

The true power in praise comes from a day of daily surrender, this is the day that the Lord has made, we will rejoice and be glad in it!



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